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Our Mission is to End
Financial Suffering
One Person at a Time


RST Coaching Academy


Russ Thomas, Founder & President
Russ Thomas


RST Coaching Academy
What Are We About

RST Coaching Academy is the creation of Russ Thomas, a Hopeless Entrepreneur since 1973. That's when he bought his first business - a Gas Station in Madision, Wisconsin. At first, he was reluctant to do it because, after all, he had a college degree in Business Management and thought a gas station was stooping too low. But pride aside that was the start of it. Since then he has owned and operated a number of businesses that have revolved primarily around the High Tech and Marine industries. Some have been quite successful, and some not so much.

Several years ago Russ and his wife, Ruby, thought it would be beneficial to others if they could use their past experiences in Life and Business to do seminars in order to help individuals and businesses achieve their full potential. But without an avenue to persue it or a platform to present it, nothing happened at the time.

And then they were introduced to Grant Cardone's system of Training, Coaching and Mentoring. As a Grant Cardone Licensee Russ, Ruby and RST Coaching Academy have access to virtually all of Grant's material, every bit of it created for the benefit of anyone who is willing to take the next step in order to improve themselves - and therefore their life and situation.

Come and join us on our journey!


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